23 August 2006

Slave to the System

So, I have become a slave to the system. Once you begin, you can never turn back. I am scared and excited, like Little Red Riding Hood in Into The Woods. I can not turn back. What will become of me? Is my entire future dependent on how I begin?

And to never be able to escape. Eternal enslavement. How does our entire world just let this injustice slide by. Surely some organization has been formed to fight this! I'll join and work with them to fight this evil.

But for now I must bow my head, stand before the alter of injustice and pray. Because without this evil, I cannot survive. How would I transport myself from one place to another? I would die a homeless woman. There is absolutely no way to survive without this system. That is, until we fight back. But, I shall wait in the wings and hope that some day it will change. Ghandi says to be the change you want to see in the world. I am sorry Ghandi. I would like to follow your advice, however I do not have the courage or willpower.

Oh, the job is at Highland Park Market.

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