College is expensive, we all know that.
College is time-consuming, we all know that, too.
Combine the two, and what you get is an exhausted, over-worked, poor student, who has no time or energy to fix the monetary problem.
Looks like I can't be that person anymore. Due to something called an economic crisis, Sio was denied a couple of vital college-paying loans and now can't afford school, books, groceries, rent, or bills. Yay, fun times.
So, I hear the advice, "get a job," and know how true it is. Yet, how can I, in the midst of studying, practicing, and attending find time for a job? I have NO idea.
Mom just recommended that in order to pull stuff together financially, I might have to find a
third part-time job. I currently have work study, which pays me a whopping $1200 a year. I also work as a writing tutor in the writing center. My hours vary from term to term. A-term I worked 3-4 hours every week. Next term I am tutoring approximately 4-5 hours a week. $8.50 an hour leads me to, what, something short of $300? That is not even one months rent, so that's not very useful. So, I guess it's time for me to find job number 3. Wonder what it is going to be?
I am thinking of taking the model of my aunt Kathleen who worked as a waitress
during college. I can't imagine it's going to help with the exhaustion, but I suppose I kind of checked the "no sleep" box (see photo at left) when I signed up
for school.
What I'm really worried about is time. Time, time, time, time, time. If I need to pick up a third job, I don't think I can do the activities on campus that I've been working so hard to be a part of; Alden Voices, Festival Chorus, Technichords (a cappella group), The Towers (school paper), and I was hoping to get a bid for Alpha Xi Delta.
Now I don't even think I can do half those things. Do I have to drop all of my activities? I guess we'll find out...
So, this is what the economic failure of the U.S. (and the world) is leading to; financial ruin for the up and coming generations. Wow, I've got senioritis already!
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