01 April 2008

Happy Birthday Dad!

Just thought I'd let my Dad know that I was thinking of him today. I don't know how soon he'll check this, but I thought I'd write him a poem of sorts.

More than a whisperer or rules
More than a harbinger of hate
Lacking in the nurture
but full of the nature

and always late, late, late

A cynic, a pessimist
A romantic, a lover
A writer, a reader
A father, a brother

More than a man and less than a God
I hope to some day travel as he's trod.

Thanks Dad for being there. I was a Daddy's little girl when I was a kid and I'll never forget it. I love you, am always thinking of you, hoping for you, and would be willing to do anything for you.

Happy Birthday :-)


Lokabrenna said...

Thank you for the birthday poem. Will have to look into what's involved in nurturing older folk. Thought it was more about cutting the cord at this stage, but nothing in this world is so simple.

My mom and dad don't nurture me much these days, so not sure where to go for examples of this. Right now, nurturing your younger sister is the main challenge - especially since she reacts to nurturing with such feisty resistance.

Mommy is crying now as Debussy plays - must go comfort her (no, wait, she's gone into the living room to catch the rest of Center Stage; all is well again). Now I'm alone listening to Clair de Lune (sans tears) and contemplating the joy of driving to work in an hour. Such joy almost inspires me to write. And there is still a Chapter 9, 10 and 11 out there. So little to do, so much time...no, wait, strike that, reverse it. Thank you.

Sio said...

I didn't know what you'd want for your birthday. I can't afford anything more than a paperclip (and even that's becoming difficult) so I thought I'd give you something that didn't cost me anything, but might be more meaningful. I am certainly not a poet, or a writer for that matter, but it was the best I could do. I am of course, getting closer, and closer, and closer, and closer all the time. I hope you took it for the best meaning it could give -- as it was intended that way. Happy Birthday. I miss you and look forward to spending time with you, Mom, and Sis this summer!