I do.
Yep, I'm 18, in college, have a boyfriend, and therefore, I have mono.
For the record, mono is horrible. At present, it feels like I have the flu; headaches, soar throat, inability to swallow without some God-awful pain, nausea, aching, and general unhappiness.
It is Valentine's Day though, and because of that I suppose it's alright. My wonderful boyfriend made me soup, jello, and gave me lots of hugs (and kisses). Of course, since I have mono, he has mono, which means we are equally feeling terrible and equally taking care of the other.
Hopefully, this mono won't last too long, although I've been hearing horror stories from friends and my darling biologist. At least it's a day of celebration and love, and we're doing that best; cuddling on the couch, eating soup, drinking water and orange juice, and working up enough energy to say "I love you."